In my experience at least I know of several who are turned off to Bitcoin because of the fiat hyperinflation doomers they see all getting turned on by governments debasing their citizens’ currency.
Doesn’t matter how true or real inflation is to them — it’s not a good look when you try to leverage innocent people’s evaporating wealth as a “see I told you so!” moment.
Bitcoin can be framed ENTIRELY positively, you don’t need to scare people into it.
People who spread news and educate for free === good for bitcoin
People who inform/educate while reading ads === inflooencor
Ads are mind viruses. They prey on people's appeal to authority (a logical fallacy). If a product actually fills a NEED it does not need marketing. It will be found and if its useful, naturally will tell others about it. If your product cant scale thru word of mouth, its probably an inferior or not-needed (high time preference) product. A simple heuristic that has severed me well, anytime you are fed a paid endorsement, boycott that product and brand immediately and forever.
Also people who inform/educate and charge you a fee/paywall === infloorncor
Information wants to be free. By holding information for ransom, you create the illusion of scarcity. As if what you have to say is more valuable because YOU said it. This behavior is deeply rooted in egoism. It creates Inflooencors.
i read something along the lines of 'all your heroes will let you down" around the time i first got into bitcoin, ever since that phrase couldn't have aged better
So many I initially looked up to, 90% at least have lost that respect over time
So many I initially looked up to, 90% at least have lost that respect over time
sounds a lot like growing up.
as a child, you look up to all these adults adulting around and you think "wow, they must really know their stuff". then you grow up and realize no one has any idea what they are doing, lol
lolllll this is exactly how it is
Yes, every respectable figure must resist the temptation to monetize (leech from) their audience. The temptation is stronger the larger the audience.
When I first got into the space I was listening to Pomp and Raoul Pal. Kill me.
no one gives a shit about volunteers unfortunately.
If a product actually fills a NEED it does not need marketing
You've obviously never tried to run a business. It does not matter how perfectly your product fills a NEED if nobody knows about it.
I hate "ads" as much as the next guy but the term "marketing" is really just answering the question, how are people who have the NEED going to find the product.
In the information age, its very easy to be discovered. The people who need it most are aware of the problem and looking for solutions. They will search and find you if you have decent SEO, or you are listed in the top catalogs/places people search.
Customers will make their own ads for your product (sharing their positive experience on social media, etc.)
Agree that some products need ads to make people buy them. But, I'd rather not sell those kinds of products.
For some it’s money, for some it’s savings, others an investment, some speculation and for others it’s hope. At the end of the day it’s a tool. And if you tell me what to do with it or how to feel about it you are no better than the fiat f**ktards in cloud cuckooland.
i like this one
Oh, so you're not a fan of freedom of speech? I'll tell you whatever the fuck I feel like motherfucker and you are free to ignore me.
Whats free about speech? In my experience and travels it comes at a heavy cost….
Some people seem unwilling to let you walk away when you don’t want their advice… however well intentioned… that’s my issue.
I don't like hearing the term "invest in bitcoin". Bitcoin's purpose is not number go up. It is not a tool for increasing your holdings of fiat. Bitcoin is something you hold, use, and support because you believe it can unlock a better and more fair society!
Also BTC could use less VC money. More grants (no strings attached) would be great tho.
deleted by author
Why do you say that? Aside from the decentralization concerns, I don't fully grasp opposition towards F2Pool.
You know what happened recently with the fee "mistake".
Ah, how can I forget the 19 BTC fee?
I see lots of terrible advice thrown about with regards to securing funds. I wish there was less of this.
Talk and more action.
use of words and phrases that the technically deficient of us need to go and google - I like learning new things, but I hate googling things, so using regular people language alongside some education on the proper technical terms would go a long way
Handholding and concern about "how to OrangePill" -- bitcoin is really fucking simple, fuck the people who are resistant.
People call me
The world's greatest
And I'm happy to help filter out the useless people who don't actually need or really want bitcoin. Better they stay poor than become poor, for becoming poor is the essence of capital misallocation.
Well said. Bitcoin is both the carrot and the stick.
Bitcoin is LOVE, Bitcoin is Freedom. What is freedom?
Bitcoin needs less short term mindset "investors".
ETF maxis
LOL you invented a new term!
def cant be the first one to have said it
You are here on SN. Is all that matter.
Bitcoin needs fewer influencers and more people who let everyone awaken to the why of Bitcoin on their own.
Too many people are trying to tempt you with the prospect of exceptional profits, leading you to believe that Bitcoin is above all a matter of money, while Bitcoin is above all a matter of power.
Make a post on the why of Bitcoin, and you will have very few views. Promise in a post that Bitcoin will reach $100K on a given date, and you will get thousands of views. This is a real problem that prevents too many people from understanding the why of Bitcoin, especially from making the effort necessary to understand it.
Where this is detrimental is that at the slightest drop in the price of Bitcoin in fiat currency, too many people will panic, because they have not understood that Bitcoin is a long-term revolution.
the only problem here is that with this approach, the why doesn't come until NgU or the person gets burned by fiat shenanigans.
Hard to take proper action to share the good of what bitcoin offers, but I agree 100% with you that influencers suck the magic out of it and make that more difficult
Larpers and grifters
invalid blocks
Price obsession
I would say: PERIOD.
Roadblocks, both in the U.S. and in other countries where it should ideally be less of a hassle to use.
Bills, groceries, generally fun experiences should be able to be paid for with Bitcoin if it's not an unreasonable ask to implement. Even with something like Bitwage existing, employers should be offering ways to earn an income on Bitcoin natively rather than through a fiat passthrough like Bitwage.
I'm not ungrateful for it existing of course, but I just wish more could be done with Bitcoin without gimping yourself in the process. Every day I get reminders of how difficult life can be if I don't even have fiat cash, and I'm pushed to just get a prepaid card so family and the rest of the world that refuses to catch up can just fuck off.
It needs less aversion to sidechains, ordinals and client-side validation.
Yeah, you don't have to say "see I told you so". Stay humble. When we do that we make it about us and our intelligence. It is a turn off for sure. There was a time before all of us were where we are now. It is easy to forget that we haven't always known what we know now. What seems obvious to us now once did not.
Do You reall not have the impression that we live in infantilized media matrix where the political/media-complex is doing everything to distract normieland from fiat reality? In my opinion a hit with reality is on its way and explaining facts drastically may help some change course before it hits.
No i think the doomers are the ones listening to too much of that crap, thus they get too emotionally driven behind their arguments for bitcoin
I've been there myself, glad i've moved on from it.
Some people need to touch the hot stove -not me, 2023