1351 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 27 Sep 2023
congrats @matthewdelly
That is so cool, I didn't know Matthew Dellavedova was on SN. I remember their championship in 2016 fondly, as I was rooting against the Golden State juggernaut.
I saw him pop on nostr right around the time I joined. He's either inactive or the janky relays have long since severed our connection.
This is retarded LARPing and basically a clickbait LIE.
Swan and Cory are fucking morons. This is just autoconverting a USD-denominated salary into bitcoin, with high fees, no less. Imagine being proud of announcing a 1-2% paycut just so you can LARP 😂🤣
I bet they actually get paid a fee for this fake economic transaction that is actually a paid MARKETING event, not an economic tool being used.
The REAL thing is modifying the STANDARD OF CONTRACT used to denominate the VALUE of a future transaction as I keep repeating. 🤡🤡🤡
I think even things like this move the needle forward. It would be awesome to see the first contract signed that is denominated directly in bitcoin. Until that happens, shouldn't it be okay to use Swan/Strike/CashApp/etc to go from USD to bitcoin?
LARPing is harmful because it satisfies the itch to do something without actually doing anything so you stop working for it, basically bitcoin jerking off.
When did I say it's "not ok". It's fine, just shouldn't be embellished and misrepresented