He's just parroting stuff we've heard from others. Sucks fiat has created so many of these douches. I think Ai is great for a small set of businesses. But if everyone has it, then everyone can cut costs. That's great until someone cuts prices. Then it's great for consumers. Not so much for margins. Then there's competition there before a labor reorg.
What isn't talked about enough is how Ai can supercharge FOSS and what that means.
A bunch of the Ai stocks (Nvidia et al) are already priced like they might be in 2030. To my eyes their valuations assume everything plays out perfectly with massive growth and dominant market share. I think they'll disappoint in terms of how much they appreciate in value from here forward. Photonics can seriously disrupt the space too
who are the “others” he is parroting from?
A bunch of the WSJ articles and interviews over the last year. Jeff Booth. Andreessen (of shitcoin and Horowitz fame) had a similar take, but Chamath and him probably share wives. A couple of the self-appointed YouTube gurus I check in on did as well.
Harvard Business Review is probably covering the business side of Ai well, but I haven't bought any of their case studies dealing with Ai. HBR is a little too down to earth for me. 😄