Hiring. I need to hire. I take on too much stuff and don't distribute responsibility very well.
would happily help out for free with anything non-technical 🫡 lol im better with words than code
That's an amazing offer. You already do a whole bunch of work energizing everyone here. There's like 5-20 of you who really glue the community together.
Appreciate that k00b. And the fact that bitcoin ties it altogether makes it that much more fulfilling/rewarding!
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Oh and not having enough time/energy to read as much as I'd like.
I fantasize about a two week vacation spent lying on a beach reading.
so true.
I collected a couple books based on what stackers threw at me in a post from a couple weeks ago but still have yet to really sit down with them ugh
I have a stack of five books on my desk that are torturing me. I know they solve the handful of mysteries that've been haunting me recently and that I'm going to be so grateful to have read them when I do, but I either don't have the time or don't have the energy.
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If you want to un-give-up, we try to be really attentive to dev env issues on github. We want to help people build and level up with us.