I can relate to this but I found a method that works well for me so I will share.
First, you have to get over any idea that whatever you do will be prefect when you start. Obviously we should all strive for greatness but you have to start somewhere and then continually grow a project one step at a time through constant iterations. Understanding this has been huge for me. I just solve through iteration and as long as I never stop, I will never truly fail. I will only learn things along my path to freedom.
To do this, I use a few tools but the tools that work for me will not necessarily work for you but I'm sure you can find something similar that you really connect with. My 2 main tools are AirTable and ToDoist.
ToDoist is a great tool for recurring tasks that I need to do every day, week, month, etc. Things like "Spend 90 mins working on content every day" or "Respond to a thread on Stacker News twice a week". As long as I continually complete these tasks, eventually, I will have completed something greater.
AirTable is where I put ideas into a list as well but I don't have a set date or time to achieve them and they aren't recurring either. To prevent myself from getting distracted or taking on too many projects, I just add yet another line item to one of my many AirTables and when it is time to work on that, I will break it down into smaller steps in ToDoist to achieve that goal.
Larger ideas are for AirTable like "Launch Online Store" or "Contact bitcoin merch companies about resale opportunities" or "Publish 1,000 articles", etc. When I complete one task, I break the next one down into smaller bites that I can achieve on a regular basis. If I work on content for 90+ minutes a day, eventually I will publish an article. If I keep publishing articles, I will eventually have published 1,000 articles.
Perhaps you can apply this basic structure to your own life and prevent too many distractions. Keep your routine tasks achievable but also challenging enough that when you complete them, you feel a sense of accomplishment.
When I focus on one thing at a time, I find myself completing much more and feeling a lot better about it as well as motivating me to keep going.
I hope this helps, bro. Best of luck on your project.
If I work on content for 90+ minutes a day, eventually I will publish an article. If I keep publishing articles, I will eventually have published 1,000 articles.
I like this, cuts out the noise
Yeah. Keep things nice and simple and never stop.