Question #5: What would you like to see the Bitcoin community do to improve the perception of Bitcoin for those outside of the industry? Does it matter what nocoiners think of Bitcoiners?
We are too reliant on shame / guilt / cancelling people. We should instead be like those churches, that go out of their way to welcome people.
Also we should focus on building things people use. Consider this --
The bitcoin community will eventually be swallowed by bitcoin's ubiquity and it will lose power over the Narrative. It's inevitable and it's already been happening over the last 10 years. Each successive wave, disrupts and transposes the previous 'bitcoin community' and it becomes something different.
Personally right now I’m more interested in attracting the larger crypto ecosystem beyond bitcoin, because I think it’s the lowest hanging fruit where I can make the most impact.
Those are people that inherently care about bitcoin and are bullish on it, but maybe don’t understand it well enough, or lost interest, or forgot. What we’ve found is that it’s actually relatively easy to get them to be excited about bitcoin again, and they have a lot to contribute once that happens. So we’re gonna double down on that.
I don’t have any special insight on how to reach complete newbies to bitcoin, and it’s generally more difficult to do that during bear markets anyway. But of course that’s a valuable activity and I salute those who do that well
Bitcoin is the next global money, and should be used that way.
The Bitcoin community must get rid of the shitcoiners' mindset of get rich quick schemes. The Bitcoiners should keep buying and spending Bitcoin, and only sell Bitcoin to let others to spend it.
That's the way to live as Bitcoiners.