I'm assuming this because in all and every discussion I've had online or IRL ... not once did anyone reference a tested example, testnet or even plans to do so.
I mean... if I was trying to convince people of something... and had a real example to show, I'd proudly and loudly show and demonstrate.
So... IF such an example exists then it begs the question why isn't it being shown as a shining example? It's none of my prerogative to even go down this line of logic though.
The burden of proof here isn't on anyone to disprove it... but on the advocates to prove it! Right?
So my point is and was... why not today, right here, announce a plan to do this. And all Drivechain bip300 supporters can work together to build a prototype to test and show. (However you want?)
Altering L1 shouldn't be done without hard tested proof IMO.
Run it live. Let it get attacked. Refine it. Improve it. Repeat.
Why not create an example to prove the efficacy? I literally can't think of one reason myself. 🤔