When do you think we’ll see private communities and channels on Nostr? ——
I definitely believe in the value of open discussions and the future of value for value.
That said, if we’re really going to migrate normies over to Nostr… we need to be able to offer gated communities and allow creators to monetize their existing networks the traditional way as a means to replicate the Substack model.
To build on the great work that NIP-72 Moderated Communities offers.
Would say this is even more important than Nostr markets IMHO. Given private communities can foster their own natural markets and sustain themselves easier. And deal with spam/bots.
I see a few related NIPs in the works with potential implementations to get us closer:
Are you also itching for this? Or you prefer us focusing on building feature-rich clients for the existing open communities first?
There's so much being invented on nostr it's hard to keep up. I'm looking forward to all of it.
I wouldn't underestimate markets, but given nostr's design I think you're right to imply moderated markets, whatever form that takes, will likely be high yeild.
Re: subscriptions on nostr, we're discussing it here! https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/issues/797
Nostr is good at discovery. Discovery is not great for privacy. Just use nostr to find contacts and exchange keys, then go to another protocol like SimpleX for privacy.
Nostr clients can add support for the private protocols. Ideally, they'd all converge on the same one.
this could be a slack/discord killer
I think that communities will flourish mainly using custom/thematic relays (public, private/invite or paid) with the plain kind-1.