Haven't seen this exchange before. I take no pleasure to see people embarrassed. But also Elon appropriately held the person to logic.
Elon is moving big pieces for us all by calling out so much total BS. I'm not an Elon super fan nor am a hater. Look at this guy's track record and the voice he's brought to Twitter. He calls out HUGE MSM all the time and appropriately dismantles BS when he comes across it.
Before that Twitter was a far left wing woke torture chamber. Now it's a bit better IMO with more balance.
Nostr is amazing... is pretty niche. And all the legacy boomers and Gen Xers are still on Facebook/IG and Twittr primairly.
Elon is the right guy at the right time to disrupt and try to make change. There's a possibility he turns into a Lex Luthor/ Ozymandias villain but at least he tried.
Reminds me of this. Telling a Media guy to his face he DGAF.
Elon is a super celeb and richest man around. He doesn't want or care about normal things like power, money or etc... as he already has all of it. Dudes trying to lead humanity and is likely playing 4D chess about it.
Yeah. Elon was not having it
Well not a dull interview is it