🗹 Search ban ? Ghost ban ? Reply Deboosting
Happened to notice the search ban starting yesterday after trying to find a Tweet that was on the SN front page. The Tweet exists, it just doesn't appear when searching Twitter for either the URL or for a phrase from the Tweet.
Is there no way to know why, and nothing that can be done?
I don't know about this specific shadow ban - but I know that Twitter automatically flags a lot of things as bots/misleading etc. E.g. Michael Bloomberg is one of the fastest and reliable source for flash news. But Twitter flagged him for shadow search ban - probably because of the all caps.
Rumors from my stock market friends bubble say that it is because Twitter is secretly preparing to launch a search engine that integrates web crawling, topic-hashtag pages and famous people profiles for a year now. Idk if there is any truth to this.