In 1980 Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton was charged for the murder/death of her daughter Azaria Chamberlain. They had been camping in the Australian bush when the baby disappeared. She claimed a dingo had taken her child, but the public thought that was preposterous.
Despite locals who regularly camped in the area AND indigenous people that LIVED there saying there were many dingo lairs nearby and that the creatures were extremely dangerous, they did little to no follow up and she was convicted because the public thought she behaved 'weirdly' after the baby's death by doing things like smiling at a pleasant memory during the memorial. Not only that, she became a laughingstock around the world with the term 'the dingo ate my baby' making it into shows as big as Seinfeld at the time.
Years later they found a dingo lair with scraps of Azaria's clothes because, shockingly, the people who live and regularly camp in the area actually know more than the police and general public and were correct. She was released from prison and her name was cleared, but she'll have to live the rest of her life knowing her baby was taken from her and the world treated her like a murderous clown.
This, and the McDonalds hot coffee lawsuit, are a major lesson in how nobody should ever take what the media says about a case at face-value.
OJ Simpson. "If the glove doesn't fit you must acquit". Court may have found him not guilty but the court of public opinion has deemed him guilty as sin.