You're totally right about that, and of course reality is incomprehensible unless you have the ability to segment it into representative symbols. Autistic people have that deficiency, which means that e.g. moving a chair slightly in their room, causes them to see a completely new room, fairly terrifying id guess.
But on the other hand, (and this is a loaded word but i'm using it very literally), what you are describing is racism. Racism against shitcoins. I don't mean that "that's evil", I mean that, as a strategy, racism is inefficient because it blinds you to potential value.
To give another example, in my field (engineering, in scandinavia), if someone is a russian (and especially if they give ANY sign of being pro-putin), they are discarded outright from employment. This means that there is an enormous pool of talent that can be obtained cheaply, for those who care about value. Of course the tyrant putin deserves death. But a good engineer is a good engineer. See what I mean?
It's racism if you discriminate according to it. and sure we're all racists to some level and it's good to be aware of and be careful to not hurt others. btw I have opinion about Scandinavian people as well, can't help it :)
Oh for sure! It's hard to use the word racism because it's become a synonym for "evil", but when I say it I mean it without any value judgement— For instance, my dad doesn't like Toyotas. He is "racist" against the value (i they have any) a Toyota might have. I think I'm just being a confusing idiot by using that word publicly, but it's what I think in my head X)
And I'm definitely bigoted as well, in much worse, much more embarrassing ways. I'm biased against women in many ways, I think. It's hard to write, and I can't justify it. I wouldn't readily vote a woman into office. Because men don't compete with women, it's very fundamental taboo. So that's power unchecked.
What else.. it's really hard to confront these things! Trans-activists, not my favorite people. I've been banned twice on reddit for (with zero other context) writing "trans women are trans women". I'm sick of lying about it, makes me upset. But i hired a programmer a few years ago who was trans, he/she was the best applicant. Who cares if they want to dress like a lady, for real. Just don't force me to lie.
lol confession over. What do you think about scandinavians? Probably that we're pretty neat, right
I'm talking about Swedes particularity as I work with them a lot, they are the best. the most professional nice and most honest people. it's sad though to see Scandinavian countries change to the worse as they are too polite towards immigrants that don't share the same values. also the housing prices controls are socialist af, whats up with that?