Bitcoin. I only got in in late 2020.
In computers and coding since the late 1980's, was using BBSs via dial-up in the early 1990s and been using the internet since 1993. Linux since 1999. Social media since 2007, Android since 2012.
I dismissed Bitcoin for a long time, because I thought it was a scam. It was based on an article I saw that said Bitcoin was dead, which I didn't even bother to read beyond the headline, and I think it was actually about MtGox. Even though I had been a libertarian / ancap since childhood, before I even knew it had a name. The propaganda machine did its job. It's easier for me now to see why others continue to be fooled.
"You got in in 2020????????? If only I was that early"
-Newcoiners from the future
Bitcoin isn't technology, but the first product of the blockchain technology!! I thought people know this! 😬🙈