I've been hammering this point for years, but there is a problem with it. Many people will embrace the idea of "government" schools/research/etc. and really it's still a euphemism. If we went all the way with calling it what it is, we would call it "theft funded" or "extortion funded", maybe use "involuntary" or "coerced". Of course, that would be too offputting and would seriously undermine any persuasive punch.
You are right. I think what I am saying is more effective with people that think they are for small or no government but are blind to reality. Conservatives fall into this category and some libertarians. Calling them government schools probably triggers progressives which is also good I guess.
If you really wanna be brutally honest government schools are more like minimum security prisons. In most states in the US if you don't send your kids you will be put in jail so its literally backed by violence and if you don't pay your taxes that fund the school the same thing happens. Even those who have no kids pay for the schools. If you want to educate your kids in a different fashion or different school you must do so as well as prove you are doing it. AND you still have to pay for the government school.
When government schools are failing they aren't closed. When private schools fail they close. The US government schools could be worse, don't get me wrong but the idea that they are not indoctrination systems or that this is somehow a new thing is completely wrong.
When people look at what we are told are totalitarian states and their education systems we see them for what they are. Most cannot see the same goals and outcomes in their own nations. That's the crazy thing to me. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.