This may be unpopular but there is one thing that doesn't pay tax (and, which cannot be confiscated), but it's especially valuable for us who have very few assets:
Your Knowledge
And I don't mean your private keys.
First story, a man who fled communist China with absolutely nothing but his brains and his family, including his newborn son. He luckily knew English, and that let him land a job at a newspaper agency. Life was extremely tough, he held two jobs, but he made it through. That man was my grandfather.
The second, is a friend's father, who fled El Salvador when things were terribly bad. He was a doctor there, a good one (whom for his reputation started getting chased by the government -- governments often try to censor smart people first). He fled, arrived at a new country only to realize his education and diploma was worth nothing. He didn't give up, went back to school, got a medical degree (probably took him extra 8 years), and became a doctor again. He went on to be a prominent director for decades.
I know, if you lose your mind or a car hits you while you cross the road, you're done for. But other assets might be taken from you or lost anyway.
If you lose your mind whether you have a shitload of assets/money or not, probably won't make much difference. As an example, my grandma has had dementia for about 30 years now (she's +100 years old). Money thrown at the problem hasn't helped her at all.