Nic Carter was always a shitcoiner
Yup, fair, that's true.
Javier is pro liberty and anti-central banks
turning tide against tyranny
Doing that requires hard POW, wake up, He was elected to sit on the Congress representing plebs since Dec 2021 and for the most part he doesn't even show up for work. No revolution will come from just mumbling hysterical nonsense on TV shows. He failed to propose even a single bill of his own.
Have some perspective
Newsflash for you, most libertarians and liberals portrayed in the MM from Argentina are just conservatives in disguise.
Well I don't know the relative power of different people in different offices.
Maybe he is just a conservative, but think how much worse the world might be today if Hillary Clinton won in 2016.
In that we agree, it could be woke paradise going all Hillary. I rather throw my chips at a vegetable senile puppet.