If anything, shitcoins and those who fall victim to them are OUR fault as Bitcoiners.
Perhaps he has learned better since then, He did talk about it on the news.
He is against central banking, the logical extension of that is bitcoin.
He is spanish speaking, so is familiar with Bukele and his talks about bitcoin and against shitcoins.
Also what kind of bullshit phishing link is that ?
shitcoins and those who fall victim to them are OUR fault as Bitcoiners.
What are you talking about? Shitcoins and cryto scams provide a service. Its a natural phenomena not limited to this space but also on the fiat realm. PPL with quick buck mentality need to get diplomas on scams by paying extra for tutoring experiences. Also capital needs to be relocated, ppl who don't understand where yield comes from can't own bitcoin in the long run.
Perhaps he has learned better since then, He did talk about it on the news.
Talk??? FFS he is a damn congressman, by now he should have done something to back whatever BS he or his zombie followers push on social media. One fucking bill,.. anything. Its not even part of his campaign government plan.
Also what kind of bullshit phishing link is that ?
Already explained used google photo for uploading a picture and it turned out to be a piece of shit.
As a libertarian he is the opposite of someone who makes bills.
How many has he made or supported compared to other politicians ?
Your frustrations with him, and that of the communist who will riot when he is elected, is that you do not understand libertarianism or economics.
It is very hands off.
IF bitcoin is the best thing for Argentina, Argentinians will choose it. A bill to support it is NOT what a libertarian would do. At best he might support a bill that makes confiscating it illegal (like any other property), or some other measure that REMOVES government power and interference. Like his main goal of eliminating the central bank.
You have to understand the free market.
By your logic a libertarian has no place in congress which is basically, voting and proposing bills. Lets call this democracy. Brilliant reasoning, maybe he got elected just to keep the chair warm, well.. only if he decides to show up.
Your comment is kind of all over the place, not quite sure what your point is.
According to core libertarian philosophy, running for an office where 100% of the people did not consent to be ruled by you is immoral (Non-agression principal) as is voting, since this is an exercise of force on others.
In reality, because our species is very immature, a libertarian who runs, wins and somehow manages to keep his promises to reduce government, and increase freedom, is the lesser of evils.
I have listened to several of his interview in spanish and english. There is one in particular where he goes into detail about what argentina's relationship will be with china. On one hand he positions it as a moral choice, that China is so evil argentina will not deal with them at the political level. What it actually is, is a genious political and economic move to move market decisions back to the market. He says in the interview, if individual people want to do business with China, his government will not stand in the way. This is a libertarian Mandate.
What this means for bitcoin is deregulation. He is a defacto Bitcoin candidate because of the very fact he is HANDS OFF. Decriminalization. Banks that want to offer bitcoin products will be allowed. There will no longer be an "Official" Peso rate. There will be just whatever the market wants.
In 3 to 5 years, if he maintains security, (stops communist cells, this can be done non-violently through shaming) you won't recognize Argentina. I guarantee you will see so much money coming in it will make your head spin.
Most of the world likes Argentina and Argentinians and is ready to invest in it. It has huge advantages over El Salvador for instance. A history of wealth creation, highly trained scientist and engineers, and less recent crime and trauma, than ES. ES has many years to recover psychologically.
Especially if we the west cut more ties with China. Our processor manufacturing will move to AG and MEX. We are severely confused at how you can be white, and have such a bad economy by the way. It's almost like Karma for whatever you did to your black population (we won't get into that).