Central heating systems powered by ASICs
Check out CryptoCloaks S9 Space Heater case and free design guide. Looks FIRE and runs over WiFi at like 45dB so basically makes no noise
phone that doubles as a hardware wallet with in-built secure element
Most high end phones already have some form of SE, eg the Pixels have their own "Titan M2 security chip". There's also other phones that have crypto wallets built in, they're trash. Also the entire point of a HWW is to be physically separate from your malware infested phone / computer. Trust us, the way it's done now is best :)
Micro hardware wallets that look like inconspicuous objects you can take across borders without drawing attention
To be a proper HWW it needs to have a screen, so that kind of limits their size / design. OTOH, seed words can be engraved into any object / thing so this essentially already exists. You can further protect them with a Passphrase which can be anything (rather than the obvious 12/24 words) so it wouldn't draw any attention. BitBox02 is a great HWW that's low key and looks like a media card reader / USB stick. Foundation Passport also looks like an old school Nokia phone. Last one is the SeedSigner which can be 3D printed to look like anything you want, best one we've seen is the one that looks like a game controller lol
cooking food with ASIC heat
If your ASIC is getting THIS hot... you've got some serious problems lol
Bitcoin For Boomers
Unfortunately many Boomers hold the majority of their wealth in the house they live in... so to ape in they'd have to become homeless or substantially down grade which is unlikely
Running a full node on a phone would be pretty cool.
Thanks for the comprehensive reply. To be honest I spat out that list of half-baked ideas during a boring meeting I was stuck in, so didn't give it too much thought...!
On this,
Last one is the SeedSigner which can be 3D printed to look like anything you want, best one we've seen is the one that looks like a game controller lol
3D printed cases make a lot of sense to me. The advantage I suppose is that you can oversaturate the market with many different designs to the point where it would never be obvious to an attacker what is inside the case.