When I read stories like this, which is something you see a lot in Bitcoin circles, it makes me so hopeful.
If you talk about money and wealth, people start to plot numbers in their minds. Bull market, 1,000% gains, yadi yada.
But money is not wealth. You can't eat a dollar, nor a Bitcoin. And all of Saylor's coins won't mean anything if you are stuck alone in a remote island. Or worse, stuck in a crowded city populated by lazy asses, idiots and evil men.
Bitcoin won't make us rich because of its dollar value going up. It will make us rich when it rescues millions of people from the meaningless, self-destructive, fiat-slave lives they are stuck in and lifts them into hard working, smart and independent grown ups that fix the world and themselves.
That will be true wealth, for everyone to enjoy.
Let’s live The Bitcoin Standard!