Jesus, what a massive douchebag. Even if you do sometimes sneak a good point into your endless vitriolic, hateful, egomaniacal rants, nobody wants to hear it, because you are such a massive fucking asshole. I have you muted, and it makes the stacker news experience 100 times better, but I saw this post while logged out, and I just wanted to stop in and say please fuck all the way off. The Bitcoin community is worse off for having you.
I have never believed in going along to get along.
If I seem maladjusted, it is because I do not wish to adjust to the fiat world.
It is the world that will adjust, and that includes a great many bitcoiners, with all their follies -- I do not even deny that there is something fiat in my vitriol that the bitcoin world will allow to disappear. Positive disintegration.