pull down to refresh

No worries. I run some nodes with maxmempool=1000 and some with 2000. Also much raised maxorphantx and mempoolexpiry. And of course there are much more such higher-limit-nodes. And some even keep manually rebroadcasting each transaction in the big mempool they keep, like if it was comming from them using a script like following:

trap "rm -rfv ${TMPL}*; exit 1" EXIT INT QUIT

printf "Preparing current mempool txid snapshot... "
bitcoin-cli getrawmempool \
  | sed '/^\[/d;/^\]/d;s/,$//;s/^  //;s/^"//;s/"$//' \
  | split -l 256 -a 5 - $TMPL \
  && echo done

ls $TMPL* >/dev/null 2>&1 \
  || { echo "Mempool empty. Sleeping."; sleep 60; exec $0; }

printf "Broadcasting: "
for file in $TMPL*; do
{ printf '['
  cat $file | while read tx
    test -n "$tx" || continue
    RAW=$(bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction $tx 2>/dev/null) || continue
    printf '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "send", "method": "sendrawtransaction", "params": ["%s"]},' $RAW
  printf '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "getbc", "method": "getblockcount", "params": []}]\n'
} | curl -s --user $USER --data-binary @- -H 'content-type: text/plain;' >/dev/null \
  && { rm $file && printf .; } \
  || { echo "ERR $file"; exit 1; }
echo done
sleep 20
exec $0
@k00b thanks, the indentation of the lines is fixed!
Thank you for sharing. And for maintaining these higher-limit-nodes. Also, damn—you're good at bash! I've learned a trick or two from this script :)
Happy you like it. It's actually bare POSIX shell free of any bashisms. This script runs with busybox ash and should run with OpenBSD's pdksh as well.
And @GDPR_deleted is not the author ;) The script is a public domain legacy.
Old spoiler. Allow me at least one more day of fame next time please. Just kidding 😅
Yes, it's right.