I was wondering if anyone could help with this, we have a WordPress blog and would like to be able to allow people to comment on our posts but without the need to provide an email address, but use their LN-Auth and LN address as a sign up method.
Is there a plugin or a workaround we could use to connect it?
If users sign up with LN-auth we would also be able message them via their LN address when replies to their comments go through
I'm not aware of there being a ln-auth plugin in the WP ecosystem.
ln-auth is not related to ln address so they are separate concerns and will need to be addressed independently. I certainly doubt a WP plugin has support for both.
Thanks so much for the feedback, appreciate it so much, would be a cool feature, to open up WP sites and piggyback on what is already such a well established network
haven't seen one for auth yet but if you have an lnbits instance, here is one for content but not auth yet. we're so early. Adding the idea to my growing tasks list, if i have time i'll build one for ya
Thanks for the advice, I do have a BTC pay server set up, been messing around with it and still learning, I wlill check out LN bits, I don't want to paywall content, but if we could have comments that are paid with sats, that would be awesome, could highlight them differently from standard comments
And here is a Wordpress plugin for commenting with lightning. Still need a LNBits or BTCpay backend though
Thanks, yes I saw a tweet about it earlier this week have yet to set it up