Started a 21-day challenge in which I aimed to learn something new about Bitcoin or interact with its ecosystem every day. I would also record my progress on Stacker News.
Day 10 - Downloaded the app called Simple Bitcoin a while ago. Finally finished the Beginner’s Course and received a certificate for my efforts. Was surprised to come across mention of Stacker News - something about how it leverages the Lightning Network as a form of micropayment.
I would prefer to earn sats in stead of a certificate. But, none the less, you're making wonderful progress on the challenge.
I do earn some sats. But not a lot. About 10-20 sats depending on whether the spin wheel wants to be nice to me
Nice work, way to keep at it. Are you going to make a wrap up / review post when all is said and done?
I was just intending to compile all my 21 adventures - but having a review post in which I reflect on my takeaways would provide a good closure. Thanks for the idea