Updated our Geyser.fund page with the following:
Ultimate goal We want the crowd to be the DJ. The Jukebox Lightning Bot makes this possible. Not only for Radiostations, but also for live events, venues, bars and pubs, businesess, you name it! You want a three channel silent disco for your #bitcoin meetup, conference of festival? We got you covered!
You can even spin up your own Radio with our Jukebox Lightning Bot! When you do, you will get your own unique web-interface! Ask for help in our TG chat if you need it, or just come hangout:t.me/noderunnersradio
It works very well for parties, pubs, or wherever else you want folks to have acces to a Lightning enabled Jukebox Bot.
Further plans
  • Getting the bot to nostr
    This process is slowly [underway])npub1wqtq2k9cawq2hkwz474xdm6ef0drmdhn4fk59hpyuex5l0ewa9rsj9a4cz)
  • Getting some dedicated hardware for streaming the Radio
  • Making the Lightning Jukebox Bot more modular
    To easily allow for pluggin in/out more media-players & -labraries and to further bot integration over more platforms
  • Integrating with [Wavlake](https://wavlake.com So musicians get their fair share of sats paid to the Jukebox
**We have started FOSSing the Jukebox Lightning Bot Please bear with us while we slowly add more things to the Github page. Normie life and the dirty FIAT-mines still take a sizeable chunk of our lives.
We are expanding to support live music and artists in another project called Sesh. Find the Geyser.fund of that here, and the[Github page here](https://github.com/artdesignbySF/Sesh.
We will strive to stay transparent on how we spend your donated sats. You worked hard for them, and we feel it is important to give you some insight in how we allocate them to further the project. Do know that we must keep team-member privacy in mind. The administration is not quite ready yet, but once it is, we will update you with some statistics.
I support this message.
You too my friend! You did a nice job on the applet. Very cool!
Keep up your job!
Very cool, I'll need to check it out