βœ… uBlock Origin is one of the best ad content blocker of all time. It's Free and open-source (FOSS). It's a simple extension you install on your browser and it blocks all sort of ads and youtube ads. It even has a zapper mode where you can choose element on a page to suppress with a click once or a picker mode where you create a rule to not load same element of a page accross a website.
Install uBlock Origin : https://ublockorigin.com
I'm sorry to bother you with this, maybe many of you already use it and that's great.
But so many times, I have seen even IT guys not having a correct Ad blocker or just having an outdated ad blocker installed like these: ❌ AdBlock ❌ Adblock Plus (ABP) ❌ uBlock ❌ Brave
And so many others participating in program called acceptable ads. You can find acceptable ads on programs like this: ❌ Adblock Plus (Desktop) ❌ Adblock Browser (iOS & Android) ❌ Adblock Plus (Safari iOS) ❌ Crystal products

A bit of history about uBlock (not "Origin")

The uBlock project official repository was transferred to Chris Aljoudi by original developer Raymond Hill in April 2015, due to frustration of dealing with requests. However, Hill immediately self-forked it and continued the effort there. This version was later renamed uBlock Origin and it has been completely divorced from Aljoudi's uBlock. Aljoudi created ublock.org to host and promote uBlock and to request donations. In response, uBlock's founder Raymond Hill stated that "the donations sought by ublock.org are not benefiting any of those who contributed most to create uBlock Origin." The development of uBlock stopped in August 2015 and it has been sporadically updated since January 2017. In July 2018, ublock.org was acquired by AdBlock, and since February 2019, uBlock began allowing users to participate in "Acceptable Ads", a program run by Adblock Plus that allows some ads which are deemed "acceptable", and for which the larger publishers pay a fee. uBlock Origin remains independent and does not allow ads for payment. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBlock_Origin

A bit of history about Adblock (not "Plus")

AdBlock was sold to an anonymous buyer in 2015 and on October 15, 2015, Gundlach's name was taken down from the site. In the terms of the deal, the original developer Michael Gundlach left operations to Adblock's continuing director, Gabriel Cubbage, and as of October 2, 2015, AdBlock began participating in the Acceptable Ads program. Acceptable Ads identifies "non-annoying" ads, which AdBlock shows by default. The intent is to allow non-invasive advertising, to either maintain support for websites that rely on advertising as a main source of revenue or for websites that have an agreement with the program. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AdBlock
For the experts, next to ΞΌBlock Origin, ΞΌMatrix is also very good to use (also mady by Raymond Hill). It blocks specific connections by type (cookie, css, image, XHR, media, scripts, (i)frames or others) and per (sub-)domain and 3rd party domains. Sadly it is deprecated.