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I only knew I was from the darkness once you introduced me to the light, that light you hold within that shines brighter than anything I could ever fathom, even with the foresight of my third eye's sight.
So what if I asked you about the blessings that were taken in the darkness because they were never presented in the light? Those times you knew you'd have to stand your ground and fight for what you deemed important and right.
And what of the blessings we meant to bestow onto others but kept hidden? Just because we needed them as chess pieces, to assist us in case others wouldn't help us receive the ones we pursue so tirelessly, with the persistence of a two dollar crack fiend going through withdrawal... just trying to get that next hit so they can be at ease, even if just for an instant if anything at all?
See, we don't live the same lives or learn our lessons at the same times or with the same pace, so why would you hate me, solely based on the melanin of my skin and the people of my race? Stating that we are the scum of society, when this society was built on the back of you being able to say that my people are lesser than what you perceive them to be. So that even an obedient animal ranks higher than the deaths of those that look in a mirror and see me...as I do them when I look into the same frame, as if staring into a portal while somewhere along the line seeing yourself shot with ignorance and bullets to the brain.
Yet all along Baraka Bashad is what we say to those that mean us harm with regards to our history and the land to which they lay their claims. Yes, we are the problem here, you are merely the means by which we are to comprehend this, and take action in making our stance on this crystal clear and this is why we are the ones that you so prudently fear. We are the true masters of our destiny and nothing is more powerful than a mind that understands its own plights for a future they wish to be near.
So I scream Baraka Bashad to you and all those whose lives you'll ruin tomorrow just as you did yesterday, as you repeat those atrocities again so as to ensure you solidify your self-proclaimed title of Master, through the tears of their sorrow and the sweat garnered from their pain they still feel in the after.
So what if I asked you about the blessings that were taken in the darkness because they were never presented in the light, while reminding you that if you're going to dance with the devil, you better learn how to two-step in the darkness just as you would in the light?