Also Seth for Privacy is involved right? I really enjoyed the content he made on his podcast OptOut and this SN post is a friendly reminder I still have to listen to some episodes.
Another question (which is also a self-research topic on my site) about FOSS and licenses: do you have resources with the explenations of all licences which are involved in the FOSS space? It's getting a complex topic over time which deserves more simplifications for a better understanding imo. Just look at this list
  1. Yes, he's the editor-in-chief and main driver behind it :) You can expect Opt Out-style podcast to come to the Freedom.Tech domain/family in the next few weeks as well, as we expand Journey to Sovereignty to be a more broadly "freedom tech" focused podcast in the vein of Opt Out!
  2. Not in one place, sadly, it's quite fragmented and most of the common licenses have their own sites and documentation etc.