I actually teach financial literacy to a bunch of 14-year-olds, so maybe I have authentic insights to share here. You may be surprised that my school curriculum deals with topics like differentiating between needs and wants, making a budget and understanding the workings of credit and debit cards. However, I happen to teach in a low-progress school, in which all students failed Maths for their Primary School Leaving examination. So, I cover topics that would have been understood and internalised by most elementary school students.
I think what middle school students needs is not a rumination on the history of currency, but metacognitive awareness on how to build good money habits. After all, even adults cannot manage their impulses and get saddled with huge credit card debt. So any mention of Bitcoin must be embedded within a more comprehensive curriculum that guides students to save, spend, invest and share responsibly, Personally, I have decided to live the Bitcoin Standard and taken baby steps to attain this goal one day. But the fact remains that Bitcoin is just one of many options available to youngsters with regard to building their money pool.
I think as a teacher, I am more concerned about teaching them about the pitfalls of Buy Now Pay Later platforms, the gamification inherent in trading apps and the dopamine rush associated with online shopping. Because these are issues that are more relatable to them and my society at this point in time.
There is not to say that I don’t mention Bitcoin at all. When I discuss saving with my kids, I talk about the importance of having multiple sources of income. I then show them how I get sats every day from the Cointiply faucet. This piques their curiosity and leads to discussions about the differences between Bitcoin and fiat. I don’t seek out to orange pill; I just enlighten them on my daily habits.
They all know that I love writing, so I think I will show them how Stacker News is a good place for receiving BTC-related news (and for getting some sats) when the occasion arises.
Just my two sats’ worth
Let's connect. Im a teacher too and have been teaching this for years
What platforms are you on??
I’m on Instagram as @cryotosensei. How about you?
thank you!