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Was in the energy industry for a while surveying. Probably was around 2015 when renewable costs starting falling so fast that a durable energy transition started taking shape. Now it's getting beyond ideology to where renewable options (especially geothermal heating/cooling) just make economic sense. And the efficient product designs are moving almost too fast to keep up with. It's not going to stop. I really can't imagine what it'll look like when solid-state batteries go commercial. I bet the average single family home will produce 150% of what they use by 2035.
150%? so ur saying this is how mining hashpower distributes and decentralizes further?
Well that's a subject to ponder, but if energy inputs are free, then theoretically all hardware is profitable. We'll have to see where photonic silicon takes us, and in what ways hashpower gets commoditized. All the same, mining has consistently become more distributed over time.
He is retarded. He was probably a sales rep and ate up all the fiat solar propaganda. He has zero trchnical background.
@k00b everything ks way too tiny on here. I accidentally zapped guy below and can't undo it.
If I think buttons are too small, 95% of people over the age of 50 cannot use this website at all
You really are quite something dear Delta. It's like your brain is tethered to 2018 or prior so far as photovoltaics go. "Solar" is a very broad word, kind of like "crypto". Some folks can navigate the nuance. Others like to conflate. Where do you get your data from? Genuinely curious.
"Where do I get my data from"
Dude, you are talking about how you have FOMO about the costs of cable manufacturing because you don't know how things are made or what drives cost of incredibly simple things.
I'm done being nice and friendly in my comments -- you are a worthless piece of shit, and you have no curiosity. You are leftist, statist scum, and you're "oh, look at me I'm so jovial why are you mean" tactics don't work outside of your leftist echo chamber. This is beyond stupid. Now you are just being a trash person making the world a vastly worse place. You are far worse than a nocoiner who makes an honest living.
There are plenty of nocoiners who are not like you. You are disgustingly arrogant. Your sort of arrogance is literally the root of every evil thing that has every happened throughout human history. Not understanding bitcoin is something I can accept in certain people for it is an emotional challenge, but there is no excuse for your behavior. I hope you lose most of your bitcoin, for it will make the rest of the world have more electricity.
You are not much less evil than 15th century style rapist, pillaging terrorists. You are not worth having a conversation with on the actual subject and you have already shown that is not something you are interested in anyway.
My dear Delta. I'm not losing my BTC and have been consistently stacking since the last Obama Administration. I'm no leftist, rightist, or statist. Just a decentralized advocate. That means energy, money, transportation, food, and the internet. For energy, you really need to ask what that means and how it's achieved. I want you to tell me how I opt-out of the grid without renewable energy and storage, and how countries opt-out of dictatorships and inputs traded on centralized and manipulated commodities marketplaces. Fiat literally has a direct connection to fossil fuels via the petrodollar. You will eventually come around to the distributed and decentralized way of thinking about this like all bitcoiners. Bitcoin's mining economy of scale demands it. Still love you.
@mallardshead I would like to respectfully disagree with your assessment that by 2035 PV owners will be generating 150% of their energy needs. This really is simple Physics and truthful market dynamics. I live in Uganda and full-scale rooftop solar energy is something acquired only by the rich who can afford to pay for 24/7 national electricity. The poor can only afford tiny PV systems for lighting. These do not boil water and certainly cannot cook food.
OP has written a very good and fun-to-read article on HVDC, but the way he fumbled the data on solar electricity supply economics is off-putting. Simply understand this, if solar WAS REALLY cheaper that fossil fuels, then the poorest parts of the world would be the most PV covered areas on Earth. Places like Morocco that literally enjoy desert level amounts of sunshine almost 12 hours each day, might afford to greatly subsidize solar PV farms enough to profit from that entire investment. In Uganda, with our equatorial climate, lots of water bodies and forested places, it hardly ever shines non-stop for 8 hours on the sunniest of days during the dry season. So PV farms here will always run secondary (big time secondary) to national grid hydroelectricity.
If neither you nor the OP hasn't heard of Alex Epstein I really recommend you go check him out. He has facts backed by graphs, references, and rebuttals to quoted exaggerations by all the big pro-renewable experts (including Leonardo Di Caprio's guy).
Thank you for your time.
"decentralize everything"
= LARPer maxi 🤡🤡🤡
You can go and live in the Alaskan wilderness today and even the IRS will not bother you.