In an unexpected turn, the US crude oil inventories have skyrocketed by 12.9 million barrels over the past week, as revealed by the American Petroleum Institute's (API) latest data. This sharp rise contrasts with the previous week's dip of 4.2 million barrels. Furthermore, gasoline reserves have been on an upward trajectory, with an increase of 3.6 million barrels, succeeding the prior week's 3.9 million barrel boost. With the official numbers from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) due on Wednesday, economists are projecting more modest gains: 0.9 million barrels for crude and 0.4 million barrels for gasoline. The industry and market analysts are keenly observing these shifts, indicating potential ripple effects across the energy sector.
Oil is so screwed. Natgas looking like the "bridge fuel" it was promised to be. I wonder is a Soros type play is being set in motion on the Russian ruble trying to get Brent under $50 in the next 12 months to cause hyperinflation? Vultures are kettling TomK.
Yes, we are thinking in the same direction. Greets
31 trillion is just the National Debt. The unfunded debt is 173 trillion and is rising.
Soon it'll look like a hockey stick. I love hockey!