My goal is not to stifle the communication on my website, but to be able to delete comments that will promote scam shitcoin projects and hate speech from my website. Let those comments exist on Nostr, Iā€™m fine with that, but not on the website that aims to teach newcomers about Bitcoin.
Newbies are not good at separating the wheat from the chaff already. Spam will only get them more confused.
Again is a common issue across the protocol, you cannot really do anything about it if you work with nostr, maybe a pay-to-post helps filter and remove bots (or at least if they do, it will be profitable for you or the creator of the content... but not ideal)
Another option is to work with relays you can "relay" on, and in case it happens you can ask them to delete/filter that noise.
An example I see working really smoothly is https://Bolt.Fun ... comments are open, on nostr, but I do not see many spammers there. Why? Because the community on it probably share common value, and even if someone try to spread sh*t... it will not be the right audience. Because that audience it's strong enough to ignore the noise
Again, maybe I'm wrong...
Sure, but if someone comments an instruction on how to assemble a dirty bomb, or calls website visitors to assassinate a president, you'll be in trouble. If you can't remove this specific comment from your website or mute s specific npub from being visible on your platform (not on Nostr generally), you'll either have to deactivate all comments, or risk having a three letter agency shut your website down.
This seems to be an important thing to consider. For me, I'm planning to run a private relay on my website, so that I have full control over what is being displayed there. Meanwhile commenters are free to broadcast their comments to multiple relays and have them available on Nostr. Again, not cause I wanna dictate what should be discussed, but simply to stay out of jail and ensure my website doesn't get taken down.
That said, I do share your philosophy and that is the main reason I'm bullish on Nostr.
Hey @Tony, this maybe helpful for future upgrades
It depends on how much you've doxed yourself on setting up that website. If you do not pay taxes you might could be in trouble too, same if you drive over a red light. When you drive on the road, you agree to the rules... internet has no rules, nor has bitcoin. Just values that define outputs.
Shutting down website has been a good fun doe agencies that try to control, in centralized closed network it's easier to enforce. on decentralized ones.. it need a biit more works.
Remember to keep a backup of your site, or run it on multiple servers... how many time sites have been shutdown, how many times have them been restored? limitless... it's a game. And if the agencies want to continue to play this game, well... we are here to play too, play with our rules, not to be intimidated.
Leave your fears behind, be prepared and you'll be safe. i fully understand you, let's change this behaviors... because they are just that