More data confirming my hypothesis that retarded bitcoiners misallocating capital and becoming poor will have to happen quite a bit before the "fixing of everything" really kicks into high gear.
It is really sad to see because people could make a choice to be better than this. But even bitcoiners are fiat-brained in very deep ways that cannot be undone it seems. I guess it might be related to neurology that people don't change, not really -- into fiat you were born, and in fiat you will die. Only bitcoin and the dynamic process it will result in will fix things. Imagine a world in which there is no living person who has ever been alive concurrently with fiat. I think then such foolish behavior and pathetic cheering of it will cease.
Bullish on bitcoin (duh); bearish on bitcoiners.
Some people wish they had been earlier to bitcoin. I wish I could have been later -- 150 years later!
Tagging @mallardshead since apparently someone got annoyed at some point when I didn't tag them and mentioned their post.
The Bitcoin code is law