Someone ELI5 please ?
Users can transfer any amount of sats using only their Nostr account, eliminating the need to generate another invoice This is a fundamental step towards enabling the development of more complex trades or transactions in the future, paving the way for the creation of business-centric Nostr apps. Nostr Protocol’s high TPS performance is ideal for fast transactions and executing decentralized business logic
How one could transfer sats using "only their nostr account" , which wallet is used to send the satoshis etc ???
You tested? I tested with Taproot Assets and worked invoices.
I tried to understand how it works by reading the resources they provide but impossible to load the pages
To dive deeper into how it all works, be sure to check out the following resources:
  • How it works
  • How to Deposit Satoshis
  • Nostr Assets Commands
  • How to set up for Chat-to-Trade
When I clicked on the links above it didn't work and only when I set my VPN on the US I managed to access the pages. Really strange. Now I should be able to understand better.