"Investing" in the financial world is merely a symptom of a sinister illness in our money
Oh, and that house you bought is going down forever
I don't make the rules!!!
None, people in my family are financially literate for at least 3 gen.
The people that are not into Bitcoin are still smart enough to understand the advantage of a hard money.
Oh, and that house you bought is going down forever
Sounds like you just want provocation. Childish.
It’s that deep.
pensions are a ponzi scheme
Similarly, "defined benefit pensions cannot be relied upon, there are scenarios where the payouts are worthless or cropped".
Literally anything not aligned with Paul Krugmans 'economics'
Rough. I'd put myself up for adoption.
Multi level marketing is one of the biggest scam ever
Advocating for the acceleration of money printing to hasten the decline of the USD. Saying that paper money is just little pieces of paper. Saying that fixed income and pensions won't be enough to afford food in the future. Suggesting taking out massive loans to buy and hold bitcoin (speculative attack).
We are all ethical obliged to extract ourselves from the current monetary system. If you are able to do so with only 1% of your wealth but choose not to then you will be on the wrong side of history.
At least with my dad, "Apple stock is not a risk free savings vehicle."
With my mom, "chick-fil-a sandwiches are not an investment class."
Oh man my mother needs to hear this too
"Inflation is theft" should do the trick
I was just thinking most people can't define what inflation is: an increase in the money supply. You could say: inflation of the supply of fiat but I think that would confuse people who already are confused by the term.
Taxation is theft.
LOL that real estate has been going down for the last 40 years, always triggers people, they really think they are building wealth
Oh and that wages are lower than ever, my family can't get their head around purchasing power versus a nominal figure
amazing how we all just assume that "prices go up" over time like WTF
Interest rates on a hard money standard will reflect the real cost of borrowing money.
At my patent's table we had totally free speech. But they regulated the hierarchy and the form in a veeery strict manner.
That fiat money makes people eat tofu to try fix the weather
That a large number of politicians are psychopaths looking for absolute control.