Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
If you are wondering if McDonald's is hiring, I saved you a google search: https://careers.mcdonalds.com/choose-location.
You only get so many Saturdays, make the best of it!
Upcoming AMA: Roy Sheinfeld, Co-Founder and CEO of Breez will be doing an AMA Thursday May 19th at 12pm CT. Breez invented both the LSP and streaming sats, and will soon migrate to using Blockstream's Greenlight to improve Breez's non-custodial Lightning UX. Come ask Roy anything!

Top Posts

  1. @nout enumerated some of the Shortcomings of the Lightning Network. Among them were a lack of widely used static QR standards, hosted channel privacy, offline receiving, and others.
  2. Ever wondered who funds Bitcoin development when it doesn't have a pre-mine funded foundation? And who they fund? Wonder no more thanks to kouloumos! Hint: Spiral has quickly become the biggest funder.
  3. Craigslist, a Web 1.0 company, was famously de-bundled into a bunch of Web 2.0 unicorns: airbnb, tinder, zillow, reddit, etc. Could Craigslist be re-bundled and powered by Bitcoin in "Web3"? @thrown proposes such and discussion ensues.
  4. Lex Fridman, the millennial's millennial podcaster, aka Joe Rogan 2.0, aka Joe Rogan Phd, had Saifedean Ammous on to talk Bitcoin.
  5. @ashdrake paid heroofbitcoin 100k sats to make a 36x36 pixel art version of St Martin and the Beggar.

Don't miss

Top Jobs

  1. Analyst \ Trammell Venture Partners \ Austin, Texas
  2. Stakwork Task Provider Leads: Earn 250K sats ($100) for the intro \ Stakwork \ Remote
  3. PHP Laravel Backend Engineer \ Madali Ventures \ Remote
  4. Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) \ Strike \ Remote
  5. Senior Application Security Engineer \ Swan Bitcoin \ Remote
Yeehaw, Keyan Main guy who works on Stacker News
  • Loved the Saifedean podcast. Good stuff.
  • Learned a lot from @nout
  • Thanks @k00b for making Stacker News.