There's already infinite resources that make the technical explanation digestible.
When you do have a normie on the hook inquiring Bitcoin, what they're really asking is "How do I benefit?"
Decentralization and censorship resistance, blah blah blah, are features... not benefits.
Normie wants to know they can make money on the side, buy pr0n without their wife seeing it on the CC bill, have number go up. Shit like that. You can then digress into how those things are possible if they press.
Give them usecases that appeal to their desires today. People are animals interested primarily in what's good for them in the short-medium term.
Don't put them to sleep.
That's very true. Depends on the audience.
I'm not massively technical by nature, so have some need for digestible content. But I also don't like reading 'explain bitcoin to me like I was 5 .. maybe 12, but might still hurt my pride.