Yes. you are hitting all the right points. Being in healthcare I exactly know what you are talking about.. My wife works in healthcare as well. While technology is one side, people and regulations are on the other side not letting innovation happen in healthcare. AI has that potential to disrupt and when the rules get re written we will have an opportunity to do it right.
Check out It is an intersection to bitcoin & AI. There are no logins, and you pay in Sats.
There is an AI agent called DocGPT which can give out some medical responses. You can imagine the capabilities can grow into reviewing X-Rays, MRI and providing personalized medical responses in the future.
Let me know your feedback.
Do you need to pay for plebai?
for text, you need to pay only after 5 conversations. For images, you need to pay for each image. You can use Alby or other Webln wallet to pay for sats.
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