first, we know tipping is a free expression. bounties are free expressions too.
the original poster is entirely free to choose whether or not to offer users a bounty. the original poster is also entirely free to pick their favorite comment, and reward it with half of their bounty.
the community members are also entirely free to pick their favorite comment, and can collectively reward one comment with half of the bounty.
in my posts above, i shared an example and a framework for how the two systems can co-exist, and dramatically increase the quality of content on SN, and the earning amounts for valued contributors.
you haven’t made any arguments for why adding a bounty system on top of the existing tipping system is a bad idea.
“ first, we know tipping is a free expression. bounties are free expressions too.” not the way you explained it earlier.
The bounty system you spoke of is the complete opposite of what Bitcoin stands for. Plain and simple.
my suggestion has not changed at all. my original comment was about enabling bounties on stacker news.
what makes this bounty system “the complete opposite” of what bitcoin stands for?
do you also disapprove of the many bounties that exist in the bitcoin ecosystem today?
You can easily go back and see my rebuttals.
And yes, I have something against the method you explained. It’s no different than pleasing a government or leader in order to get currency biased on their liking to you. That’s is how you explained your bounty system.
you used the word “centralized” a few times, but you never explain how this addition centralizes anything.
i never mentioned governments (you mentioned a dictator) and i have no idea how this bounty system has anything to do with pleasing governments, can you explain?
paying people for providing something you need is the entire basis of capitalism, i don’t see how this is different.
if i want an answer to a question i have, why shouldn’t i be able to advertise a bounty for the amount i’m willing to pay on stacker news?
Your bounty system is paid out by a single person (or group) with their subjective thoughts about whoever is replying.
Call him the president or call them a government body and you need to please them in order to get some sats for each created post.
The only way your bounty system works is if you have an emotionless AI with an enormous capacity for everything to doling out the sats.
half is paid out by the original poster, half is paid out by the community.
this has nothing to do with governments.
allowing people to exchange useful information for money at their own discretion is a fundamental feature of capitalism.
Because you’ll get a bounty based on what people think of you. GOVERNING. Where as a tip is a free expression.
You really don’t see it? Maybe some people here are in it for the fiat 🤷‍♂️
who says people aren’t already tipping based on what they think of another person?
the bias you fear will come from bounties is already present in tipping on the site today.
anyone is free to tip however they want, and you may not agree with their choices. why shouldn’t anyone be free to set bounties on questions they have too?
i don’t understand how fiat has anything to do with my suggestion or why you’re introducing it into this discussion… this entire site runs on sats.
“ the bias you fear will come from bounties is already present in tipping on the site today.”
This is laughable. Am I chatting with someone from a communist nation?
i can choose to tip you right now, or not.
if you were responding to a question with a bounty i provided, i could choose to pay you the bounty, or not.
the same biases users have on the site is present in tipping and in bounties.