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What makes a good haiku?
My workplace has a competition this month but I haven't thought about them since grade 6, when we were forced to write some
That’s all in eye/ear of the reader…
Traditionally it would be 5,7,5 syllable 3 line structure (I try and adhere to this) and would include observations/exclamations/reflections rooted in the natural world in the style of Basho et al. However I take my inspiration from Kerouac and his contemporaries and therefore any topic is fair game. Does that help? What do you want to write it about?
Thanks, found a good quote from Kerouac about them
“Above all, a haiku must be very simple and free of all poetic trickery and make a little picture and yet be as airy and graceful as a Vivaldi pastorella.” -Jack Kerouac
And as usual the words from the man himself say more than I ever could.
Allen Ginsberg said Kerouac was the only person in the US who knew how to write haiku.