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Is there any way to try all the combinations possible of the 51 characters?
You don't have to try all combinations. You can start with the most probable ones first.
For example, you can start by only assuming you made a single error. Private keys are usually encoded in base58 afaik, so every letter could have been any of these 58 characters. Generally, you could even go farther and check for "common typos" first. However, since base58 explicitly excludes letters which may be mistaken for other letters, I don't think that makes sense. There shouldn't be any common typos from reading or transcribing a private key encoded in base58.
So in your case, I would first try to change a single letter. If that doesn't work, try combinations of two letters etc.
Good luck.
Yes, that's what I am going to do when I have some free time. Al I wanna know is if is some way to do it faster with the PC.
Use a good PC or write code that runs on your GPU.
That's all I can think of
However hopefully, speed won't matter in your case though. If you don't find it within hours with this method, you're probbaly not going to find it ever :/
Any idea how can i do it with an app or someone that can help me with the code write? is like 32700 combinations possibles. i will pay with a bounty of course.
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