Totally agree on this. It's never all at once. If anyone wants an interesting book recommendation - "I Will Bear Witness", by Victor Klemperer. This is the diary of Klemperer, who was a non-religious Jew in Nazi Germany, whose wife was "Aryan" and who was also a WWI vet, so he was somewhat protected. Fascinating book. Anyway, in regards to the "heads up" - the Jews weren't immediately put into concentration camps when the Nazis took over in 1933. What happened was that anti-Jewish edicts came slowly, step by step. The first one that affected Klemperer was that he could only teach Jewish students (he was a college professor). Then he lost his job (which was a government job). Then he couldn't own a car. Couldn't have a pet. Couldn't walk in parks, couldn't walk on roads next to parks. All kinds of crazy new laws, slowly tightening the screws.
Yep, Bitcoiners shouldn't be naive and get caught flat footed. But don't be a doomer and move to a cove in the mountains tomorrow.