My agenda for today:
Work on image uploads
I accidentally deleted my existing code when I was in Berlin for bitcoin++ because I wanted to run stacker news code from my home machine. So I ran rsync to sync the code changes I made on my laptop to my home machine. However, I included the --delete option since I copied the command from here. Then it deleted everything in my stacker news repository that wasn't already on my laptop. And there was basically nothing on my laptop, lol
That was a classic linux experience. Fuck around and find out! haha
But so far, I think I only lost this image upload branch since I didn't push it anywhere yet. And the code was more just me messing around with ideas and actually fighting against NextJS to let me use forms. I was very surprised I actually need to use a library like formidable to be able to handle forms in the backend when not using the new app router.
So it shouldn't take long to get to the point I was before :)
Code review
I started to hold myself accountable by mentioning I am going to review something tomorrow. And to not be unreliable, I should indeed do a review then when I said I would!
So I am going to review:
I thought there was another PR where I mentioned that I would do a review today but I can't find it 🤔
Continue with first SN blog post about ranking, rewards and trust
We want to be more transparent how SN works under the hood.
Continue work on
My conviction that my idea how a prediction market on lightning could work is as strong as ever. However, it's weird that I haven't done anything on it for a while. I just never took the time for it.
But today I will at least open up the code and write another test case or something. Maybe I have already gone down the path of "overengineering". But it started to feel really uncomfortable to change a lot of stuff and never be sure what broke and what not. I believe a good test suite can actually speed up development since you know exactly when your code starts working and your tests are your specs. I just shouldn't write tests for trivial stuff or tests that test the internal API which might break a lot. If I only test the public API, it shouldn't change a lot or at least not such that it's too hard to update the tests. I should write down how the new API works anyway, right?!
I thought there was another PR where I mentioned that I would do a review today but I can't find it 🤔
Ahh, ohh, I mentioned it in the issue, not in the PR.
oh, I forgot, I also wanted to move my hot wallet for whirlpool to a separate device
Continue with first SN blog post about ranking, rewards and trust We want to be more transparent how SN works under the hood.