their fees can get up to and cross onchain fee equivalents
When that happens, consider sending on-chain instead, there is no overhead you will only pay the mining fee. Depending on amount/feerates/etc., on-chain makes more sense than Lightning sometimes. The new Phoenix precisely allows you to get the best of both world.
Well I can't find the post, but I spoke with a user months ago about how they sent like a very large amount of money over LN and regretted it due to the fees, and when I asked why they didn't just use on-chain for a transaction that large, they just said that they didn't know.
Is there a way to warn the user about what the fee for their send is about to be to then recommend the use of on-chain (based on going on-chain fee rates)? Just a little "Are you sure" pop up in some way? I do believe that would be a quality of life improvement for some users.
Yes we are planning something like this. We already have a somewhat similar screen for unified invoices.
My situation too, but I was following the mempool and onchain transaction was slightly cheaper than Phoenix. I ended up paying 20-30 sats on embedded Zeus node (10-20x cheaper than Zeus)