Yes, I did just that the fist time I installed Electrum wallet. Uninstalled the app, and used the seedphrase on separate PC to recover my account. Surprisingly, our wallet is just a JSON file πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Went through each line, there are lots of things still not understood by me. Hope to catch up soon.

All the BITCOIN only exists over on the network. You can have your key, but you can not have BITCOIN, it is still on the network. Even when you spend it, it doesn’t go anywhere else. It remains still on the network. One mined, BTC can neither be created or destroyed. Only accessed.

REMEMBER: You don't own money, you just own keys. It is a bit scary though.
Bitcoin is so beautifully complex.
Like you said... I've been trying to understand what a checksum is lately...
Agreed. So many different pieces all working in unison.
Totally. It's a mind trip to conceptualize the abstractions.
You don't own the money! In other words, the coins are NOT on the device. But the ability and cryptography passwords ARE.
This is a HUGE pinnacle of understanding to uncover.