@ekzyis occasionally does this for fattier prs. It's nice assuming I don't mangle his PRs with subjective refinements before merging.
lol, i never heard the term "stacked PRs" before even though it seems i've been doing this for a while (also did this where I was working before).
I must admit, it surprises me that this seems to not be intuitive to some. If it would be, would this post exist? But I guess it boils down to some people not being interested as much as I am in using git effectively. Not saying I am, there is probably a lot I can still learn, but the "struggling with git meme" is real.
It's nice assuming I don't mangle his PRs with subjective refinements before merging.
that just means I can learn more about using git in an effective manner which I love haha
Ditto here.
TFW the internet names something, you've been doing naturally, and was counter-culture in a small company.
Feels like the bulk of devs I have worked with struggle with concepts like rebasing, targeting a specific branch, and handling conflicts.
the "struggling with git" meme is real
More than a meme for me, I'm afraid. :)
sometimes i think me being surprised at people struggling with git for a long time (how can you use a tool for several years but still only know the basics?) means that the "autistic bitcoin devs" is also more than a meme for me, lol
i know this might sound arrogant or something but i really just struggle to understand haha
if you look closer at git, it's actually quite intuitive! the initial experience might indeed be whack, but imo, that's the price you have to pay for access to such a swiss army knife of distributed version control