I've seen him call this an IQ test, ie he sees it as unnecessary for his site.
I totally get why one might think that HTTPS is not necessary for a site like this but damn, I really believe we should always err on the side of caution with stuff like this. Getting a certificate and setting up auto-renewal with free TLS providers like Let's Encrypt really isn't that hard anymore.
I guess I've heard too many stories about people not taking cryptography seriously or just handwaving arguments so I am always baffled when people say: ohhh, I don't need it, what could go wrong?
That might be true but are you 100% sure?
We should be humble when it's comes to cryptography.
But as mentioned, I get it that most people don't think like this. It's too abstract.
Regarding the IQ test: is it about people being considered dumb if they follow advice like "use HTTPS" blindly?
Well, I would rather fail such a test and say I'm dumb and actually be dumb than say I'm smart but with the risk of actually being dumb, lol