• The left is wrong about bitcoin
  • The right is wrong about energy
Two wings on the same bird. The fossil fuel industry and its centralized game of energy inputs is where the control comes from. Decentralized energy inputs (sun, wind, geothermal, etc) is where we want to get. Opting out from the grid should be a broader option. Fossil fuels have a complicated backend and there's literally a tie-in with fiat via the petrodollar. That's to say nothing of geopolitical risks, OPEC (a 13 country cartel run by 12 dictators), and the fact renewable is the cheapest form of energy per kWh by far. HVDC interconnectors and energy storage can solve the intermittency problem. Also consider much of the West went through anti-trust of energy companies. Standard Oil for example which was busted in 1911 eventually became the following companies:
In the countries where anti-trust didn't happen, all that power accumulated to single families, or nationalized entities run by dictators. Good news is oil looks doomed, and peak oil demand is set to happen this decade (likely happened in the US in 2018). Coal looks doomed. Natural gas has a term to serve until we reach net-zero. Renewable energy is not good for the centralization of power or fiat. BTW, about 70% of energy subsidies go to the fossil fuel industry. It should be closer to 20%, but they have the most well-funded lobbyists in the world by several orders of magnitude. It's nearly unbreakable.