Project Spartacus is a set of volunteers who are looking to publish the entire set of war logs from Julian assange's wikileaks database into the bitcoin blockchain.
Help make fair journalism permanent and support assange by inscribing some of the war logs (which you will be able to receive as an ordinal).
They have made the process very easy. All you need is a taproot address (need help? Ask here) and you can inscribe as much or as little as you wish.
I'm really surprised at the lack of response from the community. Julian's wife spoke at bitcoin Amsterdam, and even featured this project in her keynote! And to date there are 450 logs inscribed of 76000...... I know we can do better as a community.
Not only are you helping raise awareness for assange , bit you also get to own part of it. Julian is one of the OG cypherpunks .... Lets male sire what he did gets preserved permanently
Okay... If you would NOT participate, why not? I'm genuinely curious to know why...