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Founder and CTO of suborbital systems here. We are competing with Starlink / Starshield and offering to all customers .
Using high altitude balloons.
High altitude balloons don't sound sustainable. Won't they run out of air? lol
You should do an AMA. Would love to know more! Will prep some questions for when the time is right
I would be happy todo so . Not sure how to go about that (is it initiated by mods or ?)
I would recommend starting a new discussion when you feel ready. May be best coordinating with @k00b though for visibility
I recommend just spinning up an AMA someday. Tomorrow even. It doesn't require anything on our end. The main principles behind successful ones:
  1. post it in the morning US (we recommend 10a ct)
  2. stick around and answer questions as they come in.
    • the AMAs that fail the hardest are like 'i am ceo of bitcompany AMA - i'll be back in 5 days to answer' ... no urgency for upzappers and delayed gratification for question askers
  3. in the discussion post, be sure to give question askers some context on you and suborbital systems and things they might care to know about you
  4. the more you earnestly engage the more others will
That's it really. I also recommend posting about your plans to do the AMA the day before in the Stacker Saloon too just to give the locals a little heads up.
What's the stackwe saloon? How do you post in it?
Daily thread open to all 😃
#464343 Is today’s entry
What are you doing differently from Project Loon, or Altaeros super tower?
Re project loon , they stole that tech from another organization and lost the court case :)
So , starting with not stealing other people’s tech. Beyond that, we’ve developed an approach to industrial scale envelope manufacturing we believe will work and are fundraising for it.
So they were shutdown by patent trolls and would have otherwise succeeded, or they couldn't reach a low enough cost, which your envelope process will enable?
What are the biggest hurdles in general and what drives the costs?
Patent trolls? No. Do some research and you can read the court case etc . :) They tried to rip off a small business. Nasty stuff.
Cost isn’t really an issue for them. They are desperate for any other source of scalable revenue other than the ad business .
As for hurdles and costs etc , right now it’s like any other business. Finding the right talent , partners and vendors .
The point is, if Google could not pull it off, why would the small business have been able to pull it off?
I suppose what I'm really asking is what are the biggest costs? Is it making the balloons? Is it all the telecom equipment? Is it having to replace the balloons frequently? -- I'm not sure what the lifecycle is like.
Again, it’s not that google couldn’t pull it off. It’s that they stole technology from a firm that was and is operating quite well.
Do your own due diligence :)
The world is a big place. The telcom needs (and other uses of an airborne payload agnostic platform) is immense.
Opex costs dominate . Our capital stack is …. complex.
Very cool. My reflex is that sounds insane but there must be some first principles thinking I’m missing.
Do an AMA right now!