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I’m curious as to why?
miners break the incentive model of lightning. if they can prevent your force close txs from getting mined then you lose all your money.
trying to make sure I am following what you’re saying
In that scenario, all miners would have to exclude your force close tx from getting mined, right? Even if some of the major pools excluded them, these miners would need total control of the mined blocks to effectively enforce it indefinitely? If I’m understanding correctly, this emphasizes the importance of distributed mining, and not allowing the big pools to take over
yes which we are extremely far from
So StratumV2 is still far out or it won't solve these problems?
I thought with StratumV2, block templates are no longer pushed by the pool but every miner can choose the block they want to mine on their own. Wouldn't that help?
stratumv2 would help a lot, however, it is far out and then still needs to get adoption
these miners would need total control of the mined blocks to effectively enforce it indefinitely?
I don't think they need to do it indefinitely. The problem is just timing of transactions, like justice transactions. If the other side force closed the channel with an earlier state which favors them, you need to broadcast a justice transaction and this one needs to be mined fast enough (1-2 weeks) iirc what I read in Mastering the Lightning Network.
Not sure why @benthecarma said force txs. I thought it's about justice txs.
Or am I missing something?
yeah i just meant the force close txs in general